-Texas Governor's Mansion: Porch and Columns Restoration. Carpentry, Painting.
-Texas History Museum: Finished Carpentry. Custom made tables. Molding. Trim.
-Decker and Holly Power Plants restoration including Boilers and Pipes fire proofing and painting.
-Texas Department of Transportation: Office renovations. elevators .tile flooring installation. Various
-Austin State School: Facility improvements include plumbing. electric and sandblasting.
-Austin State Hospital. Offices renovations and facilities various maintenance.
-Several ISD schools: Stone, sandblasting. electrical, welding . painting.
- City of Sunset Valley: Cedar and chain link fences. Brodie lane Hike and Bike trail.
Drainage improvements around city . Concrete sidewalks. Office remodeling.
- Camp Mabry Texas Military Facility, Renovations of buildings: 83, 2, 6 and 1.
General's residence remodeling . Light Poles installation around Camp. Relocate offices walls.
Doors, windows installation. Build an Interrogatory room. Drywall, Painting, Concrete, Brick and Tile.
-Commission for The Blind: Concrete sidewalks, curbs. Partition doors.
-Department of Public Safety. Including trenching and parking lights installation. Bathroom remodeling.
-City of Austin's women and children's shelter restoration: 60 bedroom suites; cabinets, storage and play areas.
-UT System Chancellor House: New building Pavilion for events.
-Texas Capitol Extension: Office renovations for legislature Members, including carpet installation, drywall, painting.
- Capitol Visitors Center: Finish Carpentry. Custom made Display Cases.
Texas State Library and Archives Commission : Facilities sound proof and general restoration.
Teachers Retirement's : Chain link fences. Landscaping . trees maintenance.
Many more...